Popular Careers for Mathematics Majors

There are countless opportunities for students who have attained a Major in Mathematics and we are going to list a few of the main ones to help you get a head-start in your career. It is important to get the facts before deciding what is best for you. We are going to lay out the fields which offer the best careers in terms of salary and opportunities.

Actuarial Science – if you like risk management then this would be a good choice as actuaries actually are amongst the top two careers in terms of salary, opportunities and job satisfaction. Insurance and Finance companies is where to look for this particular job.

Operations Research – if you remember when your parents adopted free parental controls to protect you from the hazards of the Internet or television, then you realise what an important decision had to be made by them at that particular time in your life. Likewise, to work in Operations Research you would have to make decisions and analyse problems, but in an analytical way. Mathematical skills come in handy for this career.

Applied Mathematics – there are various online sites which offer information on careers in this field. You can view similar sites at the home of most Universities and Colleges who all offer an insight into the possibilities available for your career. For Applied Mathematics you would work in an industrial environment which differs slightly to a normal one. If you like thinking big then you would want to consider this.

Statistics – as you can imagine statisticians are in high demand due tom the sensitive nature of their jobs. Collected data extracted from various statistics are pieced together to determine whether information can be deemed reliable or to what extent predictions can be perfected. Error margins should be minimal. Example advice of one such scenario would be a general election.

Mathematical Biology/Bioinformatics – careers carved out of this field consist of a combination of subjects, which are Mathematics, Computer Science, Biology and Medicine. If you were planning on buying a Scottsdale volkswagen anytime soon, you would want to consider a career in this field, as the pays are excellent.

Government Jobs – working for the Government does have its added benefits, apart from the fact that you will be directly helping your country. There are plenty of sites which you can browse for further information but it is always best to stick to the official government site – view site now for further information.

Teaching – If you feel that you have something to offer other people in following your dream, for example, students, then you should consider this career. The pay is not so good but you will obtain a high level of satisfaction.

As you can see from the above list, it is pretty exhaustive and the opportunities do vary in terms of variety and conditions. You could be on your way to developing a new breakthrough in science or designing the next smartpet. Whatever move you make, make sure it is the right one!