The Future of Mathematics

With the many advancements in the field of mathematics over the last 300 years, the question about what the future of mathematics would look like is one that interests not only mathematicians but also other scientists that are dependent on the mathematics to support their respective fields of research. A particular area, for example, is theoretical physics where the search to uncover the nature of the universe at the smallest levels requires mathematical breakthrough that will help explain space topology at its most simple and yet ironically most complex.

Such questions, of course, can never be answered when you just read reviews or science publications. The real challenge is at the forefront of the research field where better methods are being developed to understand mathematics theory and push it further.

What follows are some of the areas where mathematicians feel real breakthrough can be realized in the next few decades and areas that are very important towards helping advance multiple disciplines, from the most mundane research for skin care products to the more exotic applications in insurance quotes and macro-economics.

1. Data analysis. With computers playing an even greater role in human civilization, the search to simplify data analysis is at the heart of the concerns when it comes to defining what’s in store for the future of mathematics. You can click link to the most advanced computer research institutions in the world to find out how they plan to push the envelope on data analysis and its subsequent applications in computer technology.

2. Control theory. While closely linked with data analysis and computers, control theory in itself has developed into a separate field particularly concerned with automation and robotics. Like data analysis, many international institutions have extensive research results on control theory and one can visit site available on the internet to gain insight into the roadmap for control theory.

3. Mathematical biology. There is a growing group of mathematicians that are convinced about the importance of mathematics to biology. Pretty soon, all forms of human anatomical process of illness can be analyzed from a mathematical perspective; even your labrador retriever can be better taken cared off when the mathematical dynamics of the animal physiology is understood in greater detail. Of course, we have yet to reach a level where mathematics is parallel with biology from the perspective of understanding anatomy, bio-dynamics, and biology in general but research in the field is certainly pushing the envelope in that direction.

The quest to push mathematics forward is not just an intellectual exercise but one that promises tremendous benefits in many potential fields of application. With continued global interest in mathematics, not to mention the constant flow of funding to help experimental and theoretical mathematics merge into interconnected and complementary disciplines, it won’t be long before we can fully use the full power of mathematics to help better our lives in many facets. Now, wouldn’t that be an exciting day, not only for mathematicians but for every individual as well?

Well, certainly, there is no denying that we are trending towards such a time.