Noooooooooooooooooooooooo, I am not going to shut my blog down! (Not that this would mean the end of an era, anyway.) The news is that I finished my diploma thesis!

I still cannot believe it. This project has been a constant companion in my life for the last 1 1/2 years, and until recently, I honestly did not think I would ever wake up one morning and it would be gone. Today, it was that day. I finished it last night and already sent it to my supervisor, so he has something to read on his flight back from New Zealand.

I also cannot believe I wrote almost 39,000 words on test validation. This is the largest thing I have ever made myself so far, and it shall mark the end of the time in my life when I had problems to bring things to an end. The thesis showed me that I actually can.

The smileys are having a big party now.

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